About Us

The City of Praise Orlando, is a outreach of The City of Praise Church of Chicago. WIth the need of encouraging Minister Eugene Slaughter who has a heart for evangelism and the word the Orlando evangelism was established. Launching the 1st Outreach on March 26, 2022 at 10:00 am EST, distributing food, supplies and the life changing word. June 23, 2022 Minister Slaughter hosted our first Crusade in Orlando. This ongoing movement of evangelism has served over 500 in this first year and has taken the outreach to Daytona Beach Florida on Sunday February 26, 2023 and we look forward to serving Nations.
Through this ministry Minister Slaughter is partnered with, 7 Day ReCYCLEry, The Mustard Seed of Central Florida, New Moves Partnership, and Publix Grocery Store.

Let’s Work Together